"to write is to spend oneself, to gamble oneself"
*vertical sexuality as a paradigm
*identity as a weapon
"there is no stasis. to stand still is to fall away from the truth"
"truth rides the arrow of time"
"I want to be able to be alone, to find it nourishing - not just a waiting."
"Hippolyte says, blessed is the mind with something to occupy it other than its own dissatisfactions."
"Art=a way of getting in touch with one's own insanity."
"something is only neutral with respect to something else."
"any behavior could be thought as part of dancing."
"the only people who should interest themselves in an art(or several arts) are those who practice it - or have - or aspire to. The whole idea of an "audience" is wrong. The artist's audience is his peers."
for the full text, go to http://www.nytimes.com/2006/09/10/magazine/10sontag.html